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Friday, August 24, 2018

Migraine Relief - Treatment For Migraine

More than 20 million North Americans suffer from migraine, a one-sided, severe, throbbing or pulsating headache often accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound, as well as by nausea and vomiting. Migraines are also called vascular headaches, because they usually involve spasm of the arteries of the head, resulting in a pulsating pain. There are no successful medicines for it, only natural migraine treatments can help.

Herbal Medicine The herb feverfew is one of the most effective natural medicines for migraine. Dried feverfew is sold in capsules by health food stores, and the recommended daily dose is 125mg, or one fresh leaf in a sandwich daily. Valerian is a natural herbal sedative that helps reduce stress and is useful for headaches: pour a cup of boiling water onto two teaspoons of the root and infuse. Willow bark and meadowsweet are natural herbal painkillers. Lavender can also help.

Oral medications include Tribhuvankirti, Bhallatakasav, Triphala Guggulu and Godanti Bhasma. Several single and compound herbal medicines are used to treat the presenting symptom of headache as also treatment of blood impurity and reduction of stress and anxiety. However, a detailed history for the symptoms and a detailed study of the constitutional framework of the patient is essential in deciding the ideal combination of medicines for each patient, so as to get maximum results. Overall, with oral medications, and sometimes accompanied by some simple nasal drops, the majority of patients suffering from mild to moderate migraine get significant improvement in 1 - 3 months of treatment. Severe migraine sufferers may require more prolonged treatment.

Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration is also one home treatment for migraine. Sometimes headache starts from dehydration that is why it is important to drink plenty of water. It is recommended that we drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

The herb feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for headache, migraine, arthritis, pain, and fever in Europe. Natural remedies for migraine treatment generally can be grouped into two distinct areas of opportunity, these being manual therapies such as hypnosis, meditation , acupuncture , shiatsu or herbal remedies using herbs with specific nutrients to treat migraine.

Magnesium Magnesium is a mineral that is used for many purposes. The hsbaltimore, Health Series Institue e-Alert (September 14, 2004) website informs us a good intake of magnesium may promote bone flexibility, help prevent type 2 diabetes and heart disease.Recent studies show that magnesium is also essential for keeping your teeth healthy. There have also been studies on a relationship between magnesium and headaches.

Various drugs have proven to be an effective migraine treatment. Beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants all have a demonstrated record of migraine prevention. Migraine treatment that focuses on prevention can allow frequent sufferers to reduce the amount of pain medication they are using and the side effects those medications may have.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Surprisingly, apple cider vinegar can be a natural remedy for migraine. Boil together equal parts of natural apple cider vinegar and water in an open pan. When fumes begin to rise, and become comfortably strong, inhale for 50 to 60 deep breaths.

Relieving tension can often relieve migraine headaches. Tension can be relieved in many ways such as with biofeedback training (as explained above), taking a warm bath or shower, lying down and resting in a quiet dark room, putting something cold on the back of the neck (at the base of the skull) or having someone massage your neck muscles and possibly your temporal region to help relieve your tension and muscle spasms. Regular exercise can also, over time, reduce tension.