Download Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Beserta Pembahasan Siap USBN SMK-MAK Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Soal siap USBN untuk SMK-MAK Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020 ini disajikan lengkap dengan jawaban. Contoh soal diambil dari Soal USBN untuk SMK-MAK tahun pelajaran 2018-2019.Pemetaan Soal
Soal dipetakan menurut tiga seci yang terdiri atas:
A. Listening Section
B. Reading Section
C. Essay Test
Listening section ditujukan untuk menelaah seberapa dalam kepekaan dan pemahaman akseptor USBN atas kapabilitas atau kemampuan dalam mendengar atau listening. Reading section ditujukan untuk menguji akseptor USBN dalam hal kemampuan membaca teks dalam bahasa Inggris. Essay test bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan para akseptor ujian dalam menjawab soal dalam bentuk uraian. Keseluruhan soal berjumlah empat puluh lima (45) soal.
Jawaban Contoh Soal Siap USBN SMK-MAK Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang kami sediakan hanya terbatas untuk reading section dan essay test alasannya kami tidak mempunyai rekaman soal listening.
Kami juga menyediakan pembahasan atas balasan yang disediakan. Sebagai catatan, balasan dan pembahasan soal USBN SMK-MAK TP 2019-2020: Bahasa Inggris hanya sanggup anda baca di situs ini WWW.INFORMASIGURU.COM
Dengan mengerjakan teladan soal yang mempunyai landasan empirik, dibutuhkan para calon akseptor ujian sanggup mempersiapkan diri dengan sebaik mungkin. Practice makes perfect. Dengan berlatih maka akan mengasah kemampuan. Begitu rumus kuno yang diajarkan oleh para bijak bestari.
Para calon akseptor ujian disarankan pula untuk membaca kisi-kisi USBN SMK-MAK Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sehingga pemetaan bahan sanggup dilakukan dengan tertata dan terpola dengan baik.
Berikut yakni kutipan dari Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Siap USBN SMK-MAK Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Khusus untuk jawaban, Anda hanya sanggup melihatnya di laman ini saja dan tidak kami jadikan satu dengan soal yang akan di-d0wnl0ad.
In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts for this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I : Understanding Picture
Direction: Fer each question you will see a picture in your test paper and you will hear four short statements. These statements will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says.
When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test paper and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.
Now let's begin part 1 with question number 1
Part II: Question and Response.
Direction: In this part of the test you will hear questions spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says. You are to choose the best response to each question. '
Now let's begin part 2 with question number 4;
4. Mark it on your answer sheet.
5. Mark it on your answer sheet.
6. Mark it on your answer sheet.
7. Mark it on your answer sheet.
Part III: Short Conversation.
Direction: In this part of the test you will hear four short conversations between two people. The conversation will not be printed in your test paper. You will hear the conversation two times, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
In your test paper, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four
answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Now let's begin part 3 with question number 8;
8. What will the woman probably do?
A. Attending the gym club with the man.
B. Selling running shoes
C. Starting a diet program.
9. Where did the woman graduate from?
A. A big company
B. A business train
C. A state university
D. A secretary academy
10. What does the woman mean?
A. She feels that she needs more time to prepare it. B. She believes that she will pass the exam easily.
C. She is happy about the examination.
D. She thinks that the exam is easy to do.
11. What happens to the man?
A. Studying abroad about letter
B. Looking at the the scholarship letter
C. Getting scholarship to study abroad
D. Saying congratulation to the woman
Part IV : Short Talk
Direction: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
In your test paper you will read two questions about each short talk. The question will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet!
Question number 12 and 13 are based 011 the following announcement!
12. When will the talent competition be conducted?
A. 25 April B. 21 April C. 18 April D. 1 April
13. Which one does NOT belong to the competition?
A. Singing
B. Acting
C. Poetry reading
D. Traditional costume
Question number 14 and 15 are based on the following procedure!
14. How can we adjust the object in the center of the LCD?
A. By controlling the the object
B. By holding the camera
C. By taking a picture
D. By using the zoom control
15. What will we do to get a picture?
A. Press the shutter all the way down
B. Hold the shutter halfway
C. Use the light of camera
D. Set the focus of camera
Part V: Reading Comprehension
Direction: Questions 16 - 25 are based on variety of reading materials. You are to choose the best answer to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the duduk perkara and mark your answer sheet. Read the text carefully before choosing the answer.
Question no 16 to 18 refer to the following recount;
Bjorn Rune Borg was born on June 6, 1956, in Stockholm, Sweden, to parents Rune and Margarethe. Initially a hockey fan, Borg wasn't fond of tennis. At age 9 when his father brought home a tennis racket he had won as a prize in a ping-pong tournament.
Borg caught the attention of tennis coach Percy Rosberg and began making regular three-hour round-trip train rides to meet with the instructor. He won his first tournament at age 11, and at 13 he won both the 13-and 14-year-old divisions of the Sweden National Junior Championships. His career on the upswing, he dropped out of school to devote himself to pembinaan full time.
Borg qualified for the Swedish Davis Cup team at age 15 and won both of his singles matches. After becoming the 1972 Wimbledon ingusan champion and winning events in Berlin, Barcelona and Miami, he chose to be a professional tennis player.
Borg first rose to prominence at Wimbledon in 1973, when adoring female fans lined up to get a glimpse of the handsome, mysterious Swede. His long blond hair tucked beneath a headband, Borg featured a distinct playing style with his two-handed backhand and topspin-heavy ground
strokes. He won his first tournament just days before his is" birthday, and two weeks later he became the youngest winner of the French Open
16. What is the text about?
A. A ingusan championship events.
B. A brief biography of an athlete.
C. A tennis tournament in Sweden.
D. A prominent game in Wimbledon.
Pembahasan: Bacaan di atas berfokus pada biografi singkat seorang atlet tenis lapangan berjulukan Bjorn Ruge Borg
17. When did Borg decide to be a professional tennis player?
A. Before he dropped out of school.
B. After he won several tournaments in 1972.
C. When he was still very young and energetic.
D. After he won a price in a ping-pong tournament.
Pembahasan: Borg tetapkan menjadi atlet tenis professional sesudah beliau memenangkan beberapa turnamen pada tahun 1972. Pernyataan yang mendukung balasan ini terdapat pada paragraf III kalimat ke-2. Perhatikan kembali kalimat berikut:
After becoming the 1972 Wimbledon ingusan champion and winning events in Berlin, Barcelona and Miami, he chose to be a professional tennis player.
18. Which of the following phrases is synonymous with the word "fond of' in paragraph one?
A. Proud of.
B. Familiar with.
C. Satisfied with.
D. Interested in.
Question 19-21 refer to the following text
The glorious Idul Fitri day may be over but the holiday atmosphere is still high in the air. As an addition to the annual pulang kampung custom, many people use his national holiday as an opportunity to explore some unfamiliar places and embark on a family holiday.
Approaching the end of the Muslim festive season, travel search site, Wego, has recently revealed insights into Indonesian travel trends for this year's ldul Fit:ri. Wego Indonesia managing director Graham Hills said that Indonesians searched for domestic trips is greater in numbers this year.
"Domestic travel trends more than tripled this year. Yogyakarta took over from last year's top destination of Bandung for hotel searches, and the city features as one of the most notable movers this year, increasing 78 percent over 2014," Hills explained.
He also said that even though Bali featured as the number one domestic destination for the past two years, this year the island only occupied the fourth position with flight searches to Yogyakarta escalating by 342 percent.
Regarding accommodation options, Indonesians tended to seek higher ranked properties, while taking advantage of cheaper airfares. In 2014, more than half of Wegos Indonesian users sought three-star accommodation listings, but surprisingly this year we've seen a shift toward higher rated hotels. Domestic airfare searches rallied in mid-June, and while average hotel rates seemed to musim a little higher closer to Idul Fitri, the overall average price of airfares were around ten percent lower this year," Hills continued.
19. What is the topic of the text?
A. A travel site.
B. A Domestic travel.
C. A National holiday.
D. A Traditional Festival.
Pembahasan: Teks di atas lebih mentikberatkan pada travel yang bersinonim dengan tour, vcation.
20. According to Graham Hills, this year, ... in the site
A. domestic travel musim to decrease
B. more people search for low cost hotels
C. Bandung was travelers' top destination
D. Bali was at the 4th position of searches
Pembahasan: Pilihan D, yaitu D. Bali was at the 4th position of searches sanggup ditemukan pada paragraf III sebagai berikut: He also said that even though Bali featured as the number one domestic destination for the past two years, this year the island only occupied the fourth position with flight searches to Yogyakarta escalating by 342 percent.
21. The underlined word in sentence," ... and the city features ..., "(paragraph 3) refers to ....
A. Denpasar
B. Bandung.
C. Yogyakarta
D. Jakarta
Pembahasan: Cukup jelas
Questions 22 - 24 refer to the following letter;
August 8. 2016
Personnel Manager
Surya English Institute
Palembang 3001
Dear sir,
Related to your advertisement in Sriwijaya Post on July 30, 2016, I would like to apply for the position of English teacher.
Currently, I teach English at a vocational high school three days a week, from Monday to Wednesday. It means I am available to work for the institute twice a week, and if necessary i um willing to work for half a day on Saturday.
I enclose a letter of reference, two recent photographs, my academic records and CV. I would be available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Sincerely,
22. Why did the writer compose the text?
A. To inform about a vacancy
B. To tell the reader about Sriwijaya University
C. To apply for a job advertised in a newspaper
D. To enclose a letter of reference and recent photo
Pembahasan: cukup jelas
23. What will the addressee probably do after receiving the letter?
A. Check the advertisement.
B. Write a letter to the secretary.
C. Apply for the position mentioned.
D. Invite the sender for an interview.
Pembahasan: Soal ini cukup menarik. Kata kunci dalam soal ini yakni addressee yang bermakna pihak atau alamat yang dituju pada sebuah alamat. Hal ini sanggup menciptakan akseptor ujian sedikit bingung. Namun demikian, ada rumus dalam bahasa Inggris yang menyatakan bahwa penggunaan akhiran 'ee' sanggup berarti pelaku pasif.
Investor: Pihak atau orang yang menanamkan modal ; Investee: perusahaan atau pihak yang ditanami modal
Employer: Pihak yang memberi kerja ; Employee: Pihak yang diberi kerja atau karyawan
Auditor: Pihak atau orang yang mengaudit; Auditee: Perusahaan atau pihak yang diaudit
24. The underlined word in sentence," ... forward to hearing from you soon," (last paragraph) refers to ....
A. Teacher of vocational high school
B. Head of Sriwijaya Post
C. English teacher
D. Personnel Manager
Pembahasan: Cukup jelas
Number 25 refer to the following text of procedure;
How to Back up an iPhone
I. iPhone
2. iTunes
3. Computer Desktop
Steps :
1. First, prepare your iPhone. and iTunes.
2. Second, yon must connect your iOS device to :1 computer with the las: version of iTunes installed.
3. After that, select your iOS device in iTunes under device.
Finally, you have to right click the device and select Back Up.
25. Who will be interested to read this instruction?
A. Teachers
B. Gadget users
C. Students
D. Technicians
Pembahasan: Petunjuk menyerupai di atas biasanya sering kita temukan di internet dengan maksud semoga pengguna gadget sanggup melaksanakan menyerupai yang diinstruksikan. Untuk teknisi, biasanya bahasa instruksinya akan jauh lebih teknis.
Part VI: Incomplete Dialogues
Direction: In questions 26 - 35, you are to choose one of the words, phrases or sentences given beneath each sentence that best completes the dialogues. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the duduk perkara and mark your answer.
26. Man : I'm not sure which netbook I should buy. What would you recommend?
A. How is your netbook.
B. How about this one.
C. You're right. That one looks great.
D. Which color do you like?
Pembahasan: Pada obrolan di atas, pihak lelaki (man) meminta saran atau rekomendasi kepada pihak wanita (woman) terkait netbook yang mana yang akan dibeli. Jawaban yang paling sempurna terdapat pada pilihan (B) yaitu How about this one
27. Bram : Would you take the letter on my desk to the post office, John?
John : Oh, ....
Bram: Who took it to post office?
John : Angel. I asked her to take and post it since she was going to the post office yesterday.
Bram : Okay. Thanks, John.
A. It has posted
B. It is posted
C. It will be posted
D. It has been posted
Pembahasan: Dialog di atas mempersyaratkan passive voice atau bentuk positif sebagai jawaban. Jawaban yang paling sempurna yakni D. It has been posted
28. Tessa : Why do you look in a hurry, Fin?
Fifin : I'm afraid of being late. I ...
A. should feel quiet
B. can drive fast
C. must catch the bus
D. have to be angry
Pembahasan: Cukup jelas
29. Sofia: I think I will take the blue shoes.
Laela : ... it looks nice on you.
A. I don't agree with you.
B. I agree with you.
C. I couldn't believe it.
D. I don't think so.
Pembahasan: Cukup jelas.
30. Mirna: do you have any suggestion where to meet this afternoon?
Melly : ...... Is it OK?
Mirna: yes, it's alright.
A. I can go with you anytime
B. I'll meet you as soon as possible
C. Why don't we order salad for the starter
D. How about at my home.
Pembahasan: Suggestion berarti saran. Dalam konteks obrolan di atas, Mirna meminta saran kepada Melly terkait di mana pertemuan sore akan diadakan. Jawaban yang paling sempurna yakni D. How about at my home.
31. Roni : I think this apprenticeship kegiatan is important for the vocational students
Indra: .... because this kegiatan will give the students a chance to apply their knowledge in the world of work
Roni : That's why the vocational school holds this kegiatan every year.
A. I disagree with you
B. I have a different opinion
C. I am not certain about it
D. I think the same way
Pembahasan: Roni beropini bahwa kegiatan magang (apprenticeship) sangatlah penting bagi para akseptor didik sekolah kejuruan. Indra menguatkan pendapat Roni. Penguatan pendapat menyataka persetujuan. Dengan demikian, balasan yang paling sempurna yakni D. I think the same way
32. Dahlia: Would you please put me into the group?
Risqia: .......
Dahlia : really? Thank you if so
A. You have to do then
B. I am doing everything
C. It's already done
D. Everybody has done
Pembahasan: Dahlia meminta kepada Risqia untuk memasukkannya ke dalam grup. Jawaban Risqia yang paling sempurna yakni C. It's already done. Hal tersebut sanggup dilihat pada tanggpan Dahlia yang menyatakan rasa terima kasihnya dengan ungkapan really? Thank you if so
33. Dian: Can you tell me what the teacher has just said, Tyas?
Tyas : He said that ....
Dian : Oh I see, thank you.
A. collecting the task is a must
B. it is necessary to collect the task
C. the task had to be collected soon
D. we must collect the task
Pembahasan: Soal ini menitikberatkan pembahasan pada tatabahasa tentag indirect speech atau kalimat tidak langsung. Kalimat tidak eksklusif secara tatabahasa biasanya mengacu pada bencana masa kemudian (past). Dengan demikian, kata-kata atau klausa (clause) yang dilaporkan diubah bentuknya ke past tense. Soal ini cukup menjebak dan akseptor ujian harus hati-hati dalam menjawab. Ada dua pilihan; C dan D, yang cukup membingungkan alasannya kedua pilihan tersebut sama-sama mendekati kebenaran. Bahkan dalam beberapa situs yang membahas hal tersebut tidak ditemukan perbedaan tajam dalam penggunaan antar keduanya. Namun demikian, ada beberapa yang menyarankan semoga memakai "had to" dalam penggunaan reported speech. Dengan demikian, balasan yang ditimbang paling sempurna yakni C. the task had to be collected soon
34. Danang : .......? I have to type my report.
Agam : Yes please, and if you have finished typing, put it back on my desk.
A. May you borrow your laptop
B. May I borrow your laptop
C. May I lend you my laptop
D. May you lend my laptop
Pembahasan: Cukup jelas
35. The Eiffel Tower is one of .... structures in the world. It has attracted many foreigner visitors to come.
A. more beautiful
B. as spectacular as
C. the most famous
D. most wonderful
Pembahasan: Setelah "one of", kata benda yang mengikutinya harus dalam bentuk plural atau jamak. Dalam hal ini ditunjukkan oleh kata "structures". Tapi pembahasan yang lebih penting dalam kalimat ini yakni wacana "degree of comparison". Ia merupakan hukum pembanding kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris. Terdapat kata positif yang memperlihatkan kata sifat dasar. Kata sifat yang memperlihatkan lebih disebut dengan "comparative". Dan kata sifat yang memperlihatkan paling disebut dengan "superlative". Aturan mainnya yakni bahwa "superlative" harus memakai "the" untuk menunjukkannya.
Contoh: bad worse the worst
36. Question number 36 refers to the following dialog;
Teacher: Nowadays, living in apartment becomes musim for the citizen. Do you know why, students?
Student: I have no idea, sir. Would you like to explain more detail?
Teacher: Look! since the economy grows very fast, more people move to the city. They need a place to live then, and they find very comfortable living in an apartment. They feel easy, safe and free for doing anything without being afraid of disturbing or being disturbed by other people.
Student : Oh I see.
From this dialog, we know that .....
A. The musim of living in apartment grows very fast
B. People like to live in apartment because of comfort
C. All students do not know why they become trend
D. The teacher explains why people should move to the city.
Pembahasan: Soal ini memperlihatkan pilihan balasan yang bersifat menjebak. Peserta didik harus berpikir lebih kritis untuk menjawabnya. Jawaban yang cukup menjebak namun kurang sempurna yakni pilihan balasan "A". Pilihan balasan ini mendekati sempurna namun bukan yang paling sempurna alasannya musim atau kecenderungan yang sangat cepat yang disebutkan dalam soal yakni perekonomian, bukan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan demikian, balasan yang paling sempurna yakni B. People like to live in apartment because of comfort.
37. Dialog for question number 37;
Danis : Oh my god, I have many things to do today until I do not know which one I should do first.
Deby : Take an easy, Guys. Make the priority and do them one by one. Could you tell me what they are?
Danis : I must join the meeting with clients, reserve a hotel room, writing a letter of contract , copy some documents, send email to a customer abroad, and prepare a conference for the board of directors.
Deby : Okey, I am not so busy today, I don't mind if I can help you to do some then.
Danis : Really? What a kind of you! Would you please copy these documents first?
Who is Danis?
A. A director
B. A manager
C. A secretary
D. A reporter
Pembahasan: Cukup jelas.
38. Dialog for question number 38;
Bagus : We know that there are disasters repeatedly happening in our country. What do you think, Ren?
Rendy : According to me, It is the way how the God reminds us not to do more sins and we should be more grateful to what God has given us.
Based on the obrolan above, why do the disasters happen?
A. Because God is really angry at our country
B. Because God wants to remind us to pray
C. Because we have challenged the power of God
D. Because we have made more mistakes to God
Pembahasan: Cukup jelas
39. Dialog for question number 39;
Teacher: Now, it's your turn to tell your unforgettable moment, Ana?
Riana : Well, when I was at the school age of elementary, I often joined with my mother cooking in the kitchen. One day, my mother asked me to buy some spices (=pepper Rp.3000,-, salt Rp 2000,-, garlic Rp 5000,-, and brown sugar Rp.10.000,-) at the
grocery shop a little bit far from my house. On the way to shop, I tried to remember by stating them in my mind at every step I walked. And in the middle of the way, I met my friend and talked for a while. Arriving at the shop, I confused to what I had to buy. I tried hard to remember them, and finally I was sure of my decision that I had to buy pepper Rp.3000,-, salt Rp 10.000,-, garlic Rp 5000,-, and brown sugar Rp.1000. And you know what happened to me after arriving home, My mother got angry at me.
Teacher: ha .. ha .. ha .. (All classmates also laugh a lot).
What does the word "them" in the obrolan above refer to?
A. classmates
B. Some spices
C. Grocery shop
D. Unforgettable moment
Pembahasan: Cukup Jelas.
40. Dialog for question number 40;
Father : Son, don't ever write anything that will make someone feeling hurt on social media!
Son : Yes Dad, i know. It can be sentenced to jail, can't it? But how about sharing Information, Dad?
Father : It's alright, but you must check the information you're going to share whether it is true or not and dangerous or not, for you and for netizen. If it is not true, you can be prosecuted and ended to jail at last.
What is the impact of sharing untrue information?
A. It can be brought to court and to be prisoned then
B. It can make netizen feeling hurt
C. It can be dangerous information on social media
D. It must be checked that the information is true or not
Pembahasan: Cukup Jelas.
Read the instructions carefully and write your response effectively
This text is for question 41.
To all students of Merdeka Vocational School, Art Contest and Exhibition will be started on Monday, 22 August 2018.
The students must register themselves in student council room by Friday, 19 August 2018 at 2 p.m.
41. What is the topic of the announcement?
Jawab: Art Contest and Exhibition Registration
42. Complete the following conditional sentence correctly and logically!
If I have graduated from SMK, ......
Jawab: I will find a job.
Soal di atas mempersyaratkan balasan dalam bentuk conditional sentence. Dalam bahasa Inggris, conditional sentence mempunyai empat bentuk, yaitu conditional sentence bentuk O, I, II, dan III. Soal di atas mempersyaratkan conditional bentuk I sebagai sebuah lisan kalimat yang utuh.
Read the following text of recount and answer question number 43 - 45;
On April 15, 1912, Titanic, one of the British largest and luxurious liners, sank into the North Atlantic Ocean which about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada.
That giant ship which carried 2,200 passengers and crews had struck an iceberg. Two and a half hour later the ship sank into the deep North Atlantic Ocean at 2:20 a.m. From that tragedy, more than 1,500 people went down in the sinking ship. Some of them froze to death in the icy North Atlantic water and around 700 people (high class woman and children) survived.
Unfortunately that giant luxurious ship was not equipped with much more lifeboats and good emergency procedures so that the victims of that tragedy were more than the half passengers and crew.
That tragedy became popular again some years later after James Cameron directed a movie entitled Titanic in 1997. The movie that was inspired by the tragedy of the sinking titanic was a fiction story about the members of different social class who met in that ship and foll in love. It was the best movie at that year and still remembered by a lot of people around the world until now.
43. How many passengers were dead in the tragedy of Titanic?
Jawab: 1500 people.
Lihat klausa berikut: around 700 people (high class woman and children) survived
Dengan mempertimbangkan penumpang berjumlah 1200 dan yang selamat yakni 700 orang, maka jumlah penumpang yang meninggal yakni 1500 penumpang.
44. Why did Titanic sink into the North Atlantic Ocean?
Jawab: Because the ship struck an iceberg
45. "It was the the best movie at that year and still remembered. . "(Last sentence in the last paragraph). What does the word "it" refer to?
Jawab: A movie entitled Titanic.
Soal Siap USBN SMK-MAK Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sanggup di-d0wnl0ad pada tautan berikut:
Download Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Beserta Pembahasan Siap USBN SMK-MAK Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris