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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

√ Simple Present Tense – Penjelasan, Teladan Kalimat, Soal

Simple Present Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal – Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada hukum kata kerja yang diadaptasi dengan waktu terjadinya kejadian tersebut yang dinamakan Tenses. Tenses mempunyai beberapa jenis, menyerupai present tense, past tense, future tense, dan past future tense. Jenis – jenis tersebut masih mempunyai bab lagi. Kali ini kita akan mempelajari perihal Present Tense. Berikut yaitu penjelasan, pola kalimat, dan soal Simple Present Tense.

Pengertian dan Fungsi Simple Present Tense

1) Simple Present Tense yaitu tense yang dipakai untuk mengatakan suatu agresi atau acara rutin seseorang (yang dilakukan sehari – hari)

Pola Kalimat:

(+) Subject + Verb 1 ( + es / s )

(-) Subject + Do/ Does + not + Verb 1

(?) Do/ Does + not + Subject + Verb 1+ ?

Contoh Kalimat:

(+) I play bulu tangkis in the morning on Sunday.

(Saya bermain bulu tangkis di pagi hari di hari Minggu)

(-) They do not visit their grandmother on school days.

(Mereka tidak mengunjungi nenek mereka di hari sekolah)

(?) Do you always wake up at 5 in the morning?

(Apakah kau selalu berdiri jam 5 pagi?)

2) Simple Present Tense juga berfungsi mengatakan jadwal yang telah ditetapkan.

Contoh Kalimat:

• The bus to Semarang leaves at 10 in the morning.

(Bus menuju Semarang berangkat pada pukul 10 pagi hari)

• Math lesson starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 9:30 a.m.

(Pelajaran matematika dimulai pada pukul 8 dan berakhir pada pukul 9:30 pagi)

• The new semester in this university begins at the beginning of September and ends at the end of January.

(Semester gres di universitas ini dimulai diawal bulan September dan berakhir diakhir bulan Januari)


3) Selain itu, Simple Present Tense berfungsi mengatakan suatu kebenaran mutlak yang telah diakui oleh masyarakat.

Contoh Kalimat:

• The sun sets in the west and rises in the east.

(Matahari terbenam di barat dan terbit di timur)

• The water boils at 100o Celcius and freezes at 0o Celcius.

(Air mendidih pada suhu 100o Celcius dan membeku pada suhu 0o Celcius)

• Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.

(Jakarta yaitu ibu kota negara Indonesia)

4) Simple Present Tense juga sanggup dipakai untuk memberi saran kepada seseorang.

Contoh Kalimat:

• Fina : I am tired.

(Saya lelah)

Joe : Why don’t you take a rest?

(Kenapa kau tidak beristirahat?)

• Kadin : I want to buy a new dress.

(Saya ingin membeli sebuah gaun baru)

Jessica : Why don’t you save your money?

(Kenapa kau tidak menabung?)

• Intan : I am bored.

(Saya bosan)

Putra : Why don’t we go out and watch a movie?

(Kenapa kita tidak pergi keluar dan menonton film?)

• Fariz : She looks very sad.

(Dia terlihat sangat sedih)

Gabe : Why doesn’t she tell us her problem?

(Kenapa beliau tidak menceritakan masalahnya kepada kita?)



I. Change the verb in the brackets into the correct form.


• Rina plays (play) basketball on Monday.

• Vino does not go (not/ go) to the mall very often.

• How many bags do you have (you/ have) ?

1. The swimming pool …………………….. (open) at 7 a.m. and …………………….. (close) at 5 p.m. every day.

2. What time …………………….. (the schools/ begin) in England?

3. I have a computer, but I ……………………. (not/ use) it everyday.

4. How many cars …………………….. (you/ sell) a day?

5. Andi : What …………………….. (you/ do) ?

Vira : I am a secretary.

6. John : Where …………………….. (your uncle/ come from) ?

Doni : He …………………… (come) from Spain.

7. If you want to buy a phone, why ………………………….. (you/ not/ save) your money?

8. I …………………… (play) a guitar, but I ………………………. (not/ play) it very well.

9. The students …………………….. (go) to school from Monday to Friday.

10. I …………………….. (work) in a bank, and he ……………. (work) in a hospital.

II. Make questions from these sentences. Begin the question with the word(s) in the brackets.


• Jefry plays a piano every afternoon (How often?)

– How often does Jefry play a piano?

• He gets up at 6 in the morning. (What time/ usually?)

– What time does he usually wake up in the morning?

11. Hani watches television every morning. (How often?)

– How often ……………………………………………………………

12. My sister writes a letter for our parents. (How often?)

– ……………………………………………………………………………

13. We have dinner at 7 in the evening. (What time/ usually?)

– ……………………………………………………………………………

14. Tom works as a teacher in a school. (Where?)

– ……………………………………………………………………………

15. She plays a guitar every evening. (How often?)

– ……………………………………………………………………………

Kunci Jawaban:


1. Opens, closes

2. Do the school begins

3. Do not use

4. Do you sell

5. Do you do

6. Does your uncle come from, comes

7. Don’t you save

8. Play, do not play

9. Go

10. Work, works


11. How often does Hani watch television?

12. How often does my sister write a letter for our parents?

13. What time do we usually have dinner?

14. Where does Tom work?

15. How often does she play a guitar?

Demikianlah penjelasan, pola kalimat, dan soal Simple Present Tense. Semoga klarifikasi tersebut sanggup dipahami dan bermanfaat bagi sobat – sobat semua. Terima kasih.


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