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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

√ Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Wacana Adjectives Dan Adverbs Serta Kunci Jawaban

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris wacana Adjectives dan Adverbs serta Kunci Jawaban – Adjectives dan adverbs sering ditemukan berdampongan dalam penulisan sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris. Adjectives merupakan kata sifat yang dipakai untuk menggambarkan kata benda (noun), sedangkan adverbs ialah kata keterangan yang memberi info lebih wacana dimana, bagaimana, dan/ kapan sesuatu dilakukan / terjadi. Agar lebih terang wacana penggunaannya, berikut ialah soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana adjectives dan adverbs beserta kunci jawabannya.


I. In each sentence (number 1 – 10), fill in one gap with a word or phrase from the box, and put a cross (x) in the gap you don’t need. Underline adjective or adverb to show which type o word you have used.


absolutely                    angrily             fast                  happy              interested

late                              next week        really               red                   very



There were hundreds of red flowers  x  in the field. adjective / adverb


  1. Jack ___________ shouted __________ at the other driver for being so stupid. adjective / adverb

  2. He was ___________ very __________ pleasant despite what people say. adjective / adverb

  3. When we went to Spain, the weather was beautiful although it was ___________ hot ___________ at times. adjective / adverb

  4. I was terrified on the way here because my taxi driver ___________ drove so __________ . adjective / adverb

  5. Many people seem to __________ be ___________ in doing this course. adjective / adverb

  6. He didn’t look ___________ very ___________ when I saw him. adjective / adverb

  7. I got to work __________ on Thursday __________ and my boss was angry. adjective / adverb

  8. My new course __________ is ____________ , but I am really enjoying it. adjective / adverb

  9. My father is ___________ coming to stay ___________ . adjective / adverb

  10. Did you try the chicken? It ___________ was ___________ wonderful. adjective / adverb


II. Match the sentence beginnings (number 1 – 10), to the endings (point a – k), and add a suitable adjective or adverb in the gaps.



I am going to take some aspirin because I have got a terrible            d)


1.    See Samantha over there. She looks ______________      ____

2.    I want to run the marathon, but I will have to train ______________     ____

3.    I am proud of Maud. She has done really ______________     ____

4.    I am worried about the weather for our holiday. They say it’s going to be ______________     ____

5.    He is so lazy. He’s _____________     ____

6.    It is a bad phone line. It’s ______________     ____

7.    Never buy something unless you ______________     ____

8.    The camera instructions were ______________     ____

9.    My dog appeared _______________     ____

10.               Despite my lack of confidence about the answer, my teacher appeared ______________     ____


a)   wet and cold.

b)  wonderful in that dress.

c)   like it.

d)  headache.

e)   hard.

f)   to understand, but it still didn’t work.

g)  from under a bush with a bone.

h)  done anything this morning.

i)    to hear what you’re saying with what i said.

j)    in her exams.


III. Look at the extracts from a learner’s writing. There are three mistakes with adjectives and adverbs. Find and underline them and write the correction.


The kidnappers had taken her daughter. Mr Tasher didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t a rich man. They must have made a badly mistake and kidnapped the wrong person. When he received the ransom demand, he near died of shock. But that afternoon, imagine his surprise when he heard a car drive quick up to his house and saw his daughter get out. He was very delighted to see she was OK, and he hadn’t paid any money.




  1. ___________


  1. ___________

  2. ___________



Kunci Jawaban:



  1. Jack __x___ shouted angrily at the other driver for being so stupid. adjective / adverb

  2. He was really very __x__ pleasant despite what people say. adjective / adverb

  3. When we went to Spain, the weather was beautiful although it was very hot __x__ at times. adjective / adverb

  4. I was terrified on the way here because my taxi driver _x_ drove so fast . adjective / adverb

  5. Many people seem to __x__ be interested in doing this course. adjective / adverb

  6. He didn’t look __x__ very happy when I saw him. adjective / adverb

  7. I got to work late on Thursday __x__ and my boss was angry. adjective / adverb

  8. My new course __x__ is hard , but I am really enjoying it. adjective / adverb

  9. My father is __x__ coming to stay next week . adjective / adverb

  10. Did you try the chicken? It __x__ was absolutely adjective / adverb



  1. Absolutely / very > b)

  2. Really / very > e)

  3. Good > k)

  4. Very > a)

  5. Never > h)

  6. Bad > i)

  7. Really / very > c)

  8. Easy > f)

  9. Suddenly > g)

  10. Happy / satisfied > j)



  1. Near > nearly

  2. Imagine his surprise > he was surprised

  3. Quick > quickly


Demikianlah soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana adjectives dan adverbs beserta kunci jawabannya. Memperbanyak latihan soal sanggup meningkatkan pemahaman teman – teman wacana bahan bahasa Inggris. biar bermanfaat!

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