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Saturday, September 23, 2017

√ Penggunaan Capitalization Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya

Penggunaan Capitalization dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Contohnya – Capitalization (dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut dengan ‘kapitalisasi’) ialah dikala kita menulis abjad pertama dalam sebuah kalimat sebagai abjad besar (huruf kapital). Namun apakah sahabat – sahabat tahu bahwa ada beberapa hukum dalam bahasa Inggris wacana penggunaan abjad kapital ini? Berikut ini ialah hukum penggunaan capitalization dalam bahasa Inggris beserta  contohnya.


A. Aturan Penggunaan Capitalization


Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada banyak hukum yang harus sahabat – sahabat ketahui wacana penggunaan abjad besar / abjad kapital. Berikut ini ialah 6 hukum terpenting yang harus kalian tahu.


Rules (Aturan)Examples (Contoh)
Capitalize …

(Gunakanlah abjad kapital untuk …)

1.      The first letter of the word in a sentence.

(Huruf pertama dari kata pertama dalam sebuah kalimat)

My neighbor is a mechanic.

(Tetangga aku ialah seorang mekanik)

2.      The pronoun I.

(Kata ganti I)

My friends and I often study together.

(Teman – sahabat aku dan aku sering berguru bersama)

3.      Names of people and their titles.

(Nama orang dan gelar mereka)




BUT NOT a title without a name.

(Tetapi sebuah gelar tanpa nama tidak harus ditulis dengan abjad kapital)





Sebuah gelar tanpa nama terkadang sanggup ditulis memakai abjad kapital jikalau merujuk pada orang tertentu.

King Abdullah II

President Obama

Professor Indiana Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Simpson


He is a king.

(Dia ialah seorang raja)

Have you met your math professor?

(Pernahkah kau bertemu profesor matematikamu?)


The President of Indonesia had dinner with the Queen of England..

(President Indonesia mengadakan makan malam bersama Ratu Inggris)


4.      Nationalities, languages, religions, and ethnic groups.

(Kebangsaan, bahasa, agama, and grup etnik)

·         Swedish

·         English

·         Spanish

·         Farsi

·         Muslim

·         Jewish

·         Christian

·         Asian

·         Hispanic

·         Native American

5.      Names of school courses with numbers.

(Nama mata pelajaran yang disertai dengan nomor)



Jangan menuliskan nama mata pelajaran dengan abjad besar kecuali nama negara, bahasa, agama, dan nama mata pelajaran / mata kuliah yang memakai penomoran.

Psychology 101

(Psikologi 101)







Russian history

History 101

Physics 352


6.      Names of specific places

(Nama dari tempat-tempat tertentu)


·         Lake Titicaca

(Danau Titicaca)

·         the North Pole

(Kutub Utara)

·         South America

(Amerika Selatan)

·         Amazon River

(Sungai Amazon)

·         England


·         First Street

·         Times Square

·         New York City



B. Contoh Soal


I. Write down some examples for capitalization rules 3-6 below. Look at the rules above again if you need some help.


  1. Rule 3

  • A queen : Queen Elizabeth

  • A president : ___________________

  • A doctor : ___________________


  1. Rule 4

  • A language : ___________________

  • A nationality : ___________________

  • A religion : ___________________


  1. Rule 5

  • A school subject with a number             : _____________________


  1. Rule 6

  • A street : ___________________

  • A city or town : ___________________

  • A state : ___________________

  • A country : ___________________

  • A sea or an ocean : ___________________

  • An island : ___________________

  • A lake : ___________________

  • A river : ___________________

  • A park : ___________________

  • A square : ___________________



II. Change the small letters to capital letters wherever necessary in the following paragraph.


nelson mandela

(1) my name is nelson mandela, and my life was full of interesting experiences. (2) i have been both a president and a prisoner in my country. (3) i was born in a small village in south africa in 1918. (4) when i was young, i took care of cattle and goats of my family’s. (5) i decided to become a lawyer when i grow up. (6) at that time i thought that this seemed to be a good way to help my people. (7) after becoming a lawyer, i tried to become the leader of a group of young africans who wanted to change the system of discrimination in our country.



C. Kunci Jawaban:




  1. Rule 3

  • Queen Elizabeth

  • President Obama

  • Doctor Franklin


  1. Rule 4

  • English, Portuguese, Chinese

  • Indonesia, France, Japan

  • Islam, Christian, Hindu


  1. Rule 5

  • History 78


  1. Rule 6

  • Soekarno-Hatta Street

  • Jakarta

  • California

  • Texas

  • Atlantic Ocean

  • Sumatera Island

  • Toba Lake

  • Mississippi River

  • Central Park

  • Times Square




Nelson Mandela

(1) My name is Nelson Mandela, and my life was full of interesting experiences. (2) I have been both a president and a prisoner in my country. (3) I was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918. (4) When I was young, I took care of cattle and goats of my family’s. (5) I decided to become a lawyer when I grow up. (6) At that time I thought that this seemed to be a good way to help my people. (7) After becoming a lawyer, I tried to become the leader of a group of young Africans who wanted to change the system of discrimination in our country.


Demikianlah hukum penggunaan capitalization dalam bahasa Inggris beserta  contohnya. Semoga klarifikasi tentan hukum penggunaan kapitalisasi di atas sanggup dipahami oleh sahabat – teman. Terima kasih.

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