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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

√ Latihan Soal Wacana Be / Get Used To Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Kunci Jawaban

Get used to atau be (is/ am/are/ was/ were) used to termasuk frase kata kerja (verb phrase) yang dipakai untuk mengungkapkan / menunjukkan suatuhal atau acara yang pernah dilakukan beberapa kali atau bahkan telah menjadisuatu kebiasaan. Pola be / get used to ini sanggup dipakai dalam beberapa tenses.Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut yaitu latihan soal perihal be / get used to dalam bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawabannya.

I. For sentences (1 – 8) tick (v) the options (a orb) which is true. In one sentence both a and b are true.


expect they will get used to              a)
They have always lived in the countryside  

livingin the countryside but               b)They haven’t lived in the countryside before  v

it will take some time.


I am not used to people shouting at me.

a) People shouting
at me is unusual.   ___
b) In the past people
shouted at me a lot.   ___


I used to eat a lot of junk food.

a) I don’t eat a
lot of junk food now.   ___
b) I eat a lot of
junk food these days.   ___


They have just moved here and they are not used to so much traffic.

a) There was a lot
of traffic where they lived before.  
b) There wasn’t
much traffic where they lived before.  


I just can’t get used to the idea that Marianne is married.

a) Marrianne isn’t
married.   ___
b) I find it
strange that Marianne is married.   ___


In China I thought I’d never be able to eat with chopsticks, but I got
used to it.

a) Using chopsticks
is still difficult for me.   ___
b) I can now eat
with chopsticks.   ___


At first Lauran couldn’t understand their accent. It took some getting used

a) Their accent was
strange at first.   ___
b) Laura can
understand their accent now.   ___


Sabine is finding it hard to take orders from someone, but I am used to

a) I have taken
orders from people before.   ___
b) Sabine has taken
orders from people before.   ___


It took me a while to get used to getting up early every day.

a) I always got up
early in the past.   ___
b) Getting up early
was new for me.   ___

II.Read about changes in two people’s lives and complete sentences (1 – 6) using the correct form of be / get used to (something).


Text A

I live in Canada now, but I was born in Ireland and lived there until I was 15. Although it was quiet there, I was happy. Things are completely different in Vancouver where we live now. The people are nice, but they aren’t as friendly as they were in Ireland. When we first arrived I found it quite strange that when I said hello to someone in the street they said nothing. My school is much bigger. There are 40 students in a class. I found that difficult at first, but it’s starting to feel normal. The noise seemed very strange when we arrived. We lived in a quiet village before,but Vancouver is a very noisy city though I find that quite exciting now.


I was used to living in a quiet

  1. People aren’t as friendly here, but I have
    ___________________________ now.
  2. I __________________________ big classes.
  3. Vancouver is a noisy city, but I
    ____________________________ now.

Text B

Marcus changed his job recently.
The new job is quite different from his old one and it took him a while to feel
comfortable with his new workmates. In the old job he was woring with just
three other people in a small family company, but now he’s responsible for 100
workers. He doesn’t know them well, which is completely different from before
and he finds that hard. He’d like to be friends with them all, but of course
it’s impossible.

  • At first he _______________________________ his new
  • He ___________________________ with a small number of
  • He can’t _________________________ friends with all of his

Kunci Jawaban:


  1. a)
  2. a)
  3. b)
  4. b)
  5. a) & b)
  6. a)
  7. b)


  1. People aren’t as friendly here, but I have got used to
    it now.
  2. I am getting used to studying / being in big
  3. Vancouver is a noisy city, but I am used to find that
    quite exciting now.
  4. At first he was not used to feel comfortable with
    his new workmates.
  5. He used to work / was used to work with a small
    number of colleagues.
  6. He can’t be used to be friends with all of his

Demikianlah latihan soal perihal be / get used to dalam bahasa Inggris
beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga beberapa soal tersebut sanggup menambah
pemahaman teman – teman perihal penggunaan be
/ get used to
dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat!

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