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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

√ Latihan Soal Perihal Clause Kunci Jawabannya

Latihan Soal Tentang Clause & Kunci Jawabannya – Clause atau ‘klausa’ yaitu serangkaian kata yang mempunyai subjek dan predikat yang sanggup bangkit sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat atau merupakan bab dari sebuah kalimat. Sebelumnya kita telah mencar ilmu mengenai definisi, penjelasan, serta jenis – jenis klausa dalam Bahasa Inggris. Agar lebih memahami perihal Clause, berikut yaitu latihan soal perihal Clause beserta kunci jawabannya.

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris perihal Clause

I. Choose the correct meaning in the box and then explain what it means in a sentence with relative clause ‘who’. You may use a dictionary.

• He / she carries mails and delivers them to people

• He / she studies at the school

• He / she flies a plane

• He / she teach the players how to play football well

• He / she catches the criminals

• He / she cooks delicious food in hotel or restaurant

1. (a student) = A student is someone who studies at the school.

2. (a chef) = A chef is ………………………………………………………….. .

3. (a coach) = A coach ……………………………………………………………. .

4. (a mail carrier) = ………………………………………………………………………… .

5. (a pilot) = ………………………………………………………………………… .

6. (a police officer) = ………………………………………………………………………… .

II. Read the two sentences and write one sentence with the same meaning in your own language. Do not forget to use relative clause.


The students fought at school yesterday. They do not go to school today.

The students who fought at school yesterday do not go to school today.

1. Intan’s mother called me yesterday evening. She told me that Intan was sick.

Intan’s mother …………………………………………………………………………………. .

2. A mail carrier carried my letter from my cousin. He was very kind and polite.

The ………………………………………………………………………………………… .

3. All the students studied very hard for the test. They now get very good marks.

All the …………………………………………………………………………………. .

III. Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct ending from the box and make it into a relative clause.

• It won the football game

• He invented the lamp

• They never keep their promises

• It burned down my house

• They used to be on my desk

• It produces canned food

• It gives you much information

• It is the place for human to live

• He was stolen by a criminal

• They stole my new car

1. Jimmy works for a company which (or that) produces canned food.

2. The movie is about a boy ………………………………………………………… .

3. What is the name of the football team ………………………………………………… ?

4. The fire fighters have put out the fire ……………………………………………….. .

5. Thomas Edison was the man ………………………………………………………… .

6. Where are the books ………………………………………………………………. ?

7. The police officers are still trying to find men ……………………………………………………. .

8. An encyclopedia is a book …………………………………………………………… .

9. Every one does not like people …………………………………………………….. .

10. Earth is the only planet ……………………………………………….. .

IV. Use the sentences in the box below to make a relative clause and complete the sentences.

• She taught us Math yesterday

• Vira recommended it

• Jimmy is reading it

• We wanted to visit it

• You cooked it for lunch

• He stole my new car

• Kimmy directed them

• She lost it

• You invited them to my party

1. Have she found the purse (that) she lost?

2. I do not like the book …………………………………… .

3. The palace ……………………………………… was shut when we arrived there.

4. All of our friends ……………………………………… came on time and gave me presents.

5. I really like the new teacher ……………………………………………. .

6. The food ………………………………………. was very tasty.

7. We went to the beach ……………………………………………. .

8. The movies ……………………………………………… are usually good.

9. The man ……………………………………….. has now been arrested.


Kunci Jawaban:


1. A student is someone who studies at the school.

2. A chef is someoe who cooks delicious food in hotel or restaurant.

3. A coach is someone who teach the players how to play football well.

4. A mail carrier is someone who carriers mails and delivers them to people.

5. A pilot is someone who flies a plane.

6. A police officer is someone who catches the criminals.


1. Intan’s mother who called me yesterday told me that Intan was sick.

2. The mail carrier who carried my letter from my cousin was very kind and polite.

3. All the students who studied very hard for the test now get very good marks.


1. Which (or that) produces canned food.

2. Who was stolen by a criminal.

3. That won the football game?

4. Which burned down my house.

5. Who invented the lamp.

6. Which used to be on my desk?

7. Who stole my new car.

8. Which gives you much information.

9. Who never keep their promises.

10. Which is the place for human to live.


1. (that) she lost?

2. (that) Jimmy is reading

3. (that) we wanted to visit

4. (who were) invited to my party

5. (who) taught us Math yesterday

6. (that) you cooked for lunch

7. (that) Vira recommended

8. (that) Kimmy directed

9. (who) stole my new car

Demikianlah latihan soal perihal Clause beserta kunci jawabannya. Dengan berlatih soal, pemahaman kita perihal Clause akan bertambah. Semoga bermanfaat!

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