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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

√ Teladan Latihan Soal Perihal Penggunaan Tanda Koma Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Latihan Soal wacana Penggunaan Tanda Koma dalam
Bahasa Inggris

bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris, penggunaan tanda koma (,) memiliki
fungsi yang hampir sama, misalnya untuk memisahkan kata yang memiliki
kesamaan, memisahkan dua frasa, dan lain sebagainya. Namun begitu, sobat –
teman juga perlu tahu untuk apa saja penggunaan tanda koma (,) dalam bahasa
Inggris. Berikut ini ialah pola latihan soal wacana penggunaan tanda koma
dalam bahasa Inggris.

I. Add commas where necessary in the following paragraphs
(Paragraph 1 = 20 commas; Paragraph 2 = 8 commas)

Paragraph 1

My Brother, the Sports Fan

My brother
Bob is a sports fan. He has some favorite sports. They are golf tennis skiing
and swimming. He swims in the summer skis in the winter and plays golf during
the spring summer and fall. He also watches football and baseball on TV. When
you come to his bedroom it looks like a used sporting goods store. Bob own skis
tennis racquets golf clubs footballs basketballs baseballs tennis balls soccer
balls a bicycle and weights. He throws his equipment in a pile on his bed whenever
he comes home from a sports event. You can’t see his bed his desk or sometimes
even him when the pile gets too high.

Paragraph 2

How to Fall a Driving Test

If you really try it’s easy to fail a driving test. First park you car so close to the next car that the examiner cannot get into your car to begin the test. it also helps to have your two front wheels far up on the curb – blocking the sidewalk if possible. Then back out of the parking space fast. The next try to hit another car or something. Speed up to get through intersections quickly and don’t stop at stop signs but. Then try to make your tires squel while turning corners. Next look for an opportunity to turn the wrong way on one-way street. You will fail immediately if you enter a one-way street in the wrong direction. The last don’t try to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks but use your horn to frighten them out of your way. You may just try one of these techniques and you will probably get an F on a driving test.


II. Complete these sentences to practice the “items in a
series” comma rule.

  1. What three foods do you like the most? (Gunakan kata
    ‘and’ sebelum kata benda terakhir)

I like Middle
Eastern falafel, Japanese sushi, and Mexican tacos

2. What three foods don’t you like? (Gunakan kata ‘or’ sebelum kata benda terakhir)

I don’t like _________________________________________________________

3. What are three cities / countries you might visit for holiday? (Gunakan kata ‘or’ sebelum kata benda terakhir)

On my holiday, I might go to


4. What are six useful items to take on a hike? (Gunakan kata ‘and’ sebelum kata benda terakhir)

For hiking, be sure to take


5. What are two animals that don’t get a long with each other? (Gunakan kata ‘and’)

___________________________________________ don’t get a
long with each other.

6. What are three activities you usually do every morning? (Gunakan kata ‘and’)

Every morning, I


7. What are two things you always do and one thing you never do on weekends. (Gunakan kata ‘dan’ , ‘but’. Tulislah kalimat beragam setara)

On weekends, I always


Kunci Jawaban


Paragraph 1

My Brother, the Sports Fan

My brother
Bob is a sports fan. He has some favorite sports. They are golf, tennis, skiing,
and swimming. He swims in the summer, skis in the winter, and plays golf during
the spring, summer, and fall. He also watches, football, and baseball on TV. When
you come to his bedroom, it looks like a used sporting goods store. Bob own
skis, tennis racquets, golf clubs, footballs, basketballs, baseballs, tennis
balls, soccer balls, a bicycle, and weights. He throws his equipment in a pile
on his bed whenever he comes home from a sports event. You can’t see his bed,
his desk, or sometimes even him when the pile gets too high.

Paragraph 2

How to Fall a Driving Test

you really try, it’s easy to fail a driving test. First, park you car so close
to the next car that the examiner cannot get into your car to begin the test. It
also helps to have your two front wheels far up on the curb – blocking the
sidewalk if possible. Then, back out of the parking space fast. The next, try
to hit another car or something. Speed up to get through intersections quickly,
and don’t stop at stop signs. Then, try to make your tires squel while turning
corners. Next, look for an opportunity to turn the wrong way on one-way street.
You will fail immediately if you enter a one-way street in the wrong direction.
The last, don’t try to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, but use your horn to
frighten them out of your way. You may just try one of these techniques, and
you will probably get an F on a driving test..


  1. I like Middle Eadtern falafel, Japanese sushi, and
    Mexican tacos.
  2. I don’t like cheesy spicy chicken, fettucini carbonara,
    or Japanese sushi.
  3. On my holiday, I might go to Paris, Istanbul, or Bali.
  4. For hiking, be sure to take sport shoes, penknife, rope,
    tent, food, and drink.
  5. Cat and dog don’t get along with each other.
  6. Every morning, I make my bed, make breakfast, and take a
  7. On weekends, I always wake up late and lay on bed all
    day, but I never make breakfast or watch TV.

contoh latihan soal wacana penggunaan tanda koma dalam bahasa Inggris. Contoh
soal di atas dibutuhkan dpat bermanfaat bagi sobat – teman. Terima kasih.(

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