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Saturday, September 30, 2017

√ Pola Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Perihal Present Tense For Talking About The Future

Contoh Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris wacana Present Tense for Talking about the Future – Present Tense mempunyai beberapa kegunaan. Pada umumnya jenis tense ini dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian / hal yang berupa fakta atau berupa insiden yang memang terjadi sehari – hari. Namun tidak hanya itu, jenis tense ini pun sanggup dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu hal / kejadian di masa depan. Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut yaitu tumpuan soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana Present Tense for Talking about the Future.

Latihan Bahasa Inggris wacana Present Tense for Talking about the Future

A. Exercise 1: Thinking about meaning

Decide if the verbs in italics in the sentences refer to present time (P) or future time (F).


My sister and I are spending a few weeks with our Aunt in Norway this winter. F

1. I can’t find Barbara. Maybe she is meeting the others for lunch. ____

2. When you see her, could you tell her to give me a call? ____

3. The show starts at 8.30 every day except Monday. ____

4. I hope everyone’s ready. We leave first thing in the morning. ____

5. I can’t talk to you then. I am meeting Joe for coffee. ____

6. Sorry about the noise. My neighbour is having a party. ____

7. I am going to make something for supper. Are you hungry? ____

8. After 12 weeks in London, the show opens on Broadway at the end of the month. ____

9. We are at home next weekend, aren’t we? We have been invited to a party. ____


B. Exercise 2: Choosing the best way to talk about the future

Complete the sentences below by filling the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.


A : You are looking pleased with yourself. What’s happened?

B : I have won some tickets for Disneyland. I am taking (take) the children next month.

1. My exams ______________ (start) in two weeks so I have got to work hard. As soon as I ______________ (get) my degree, I’ll try and find work abroad.

2. My sister ______________ (get married) next month. I ______________ (go) to the wedding but my boyfriend can;t home. He’s got to work then.

3. A : What’s the director’s programme for tomorrow?

B : He’s got a really busy day. He _______________ (arrive) at 9.00 and ______________ (have) three meetings before lunch. They are about the conference which ______________ (open) on 3 March.

4. Don’t forget to phone Dad when you _____________ (get) to Paris. He won’t be very pleased if you ________________ (forget).

5. This season’s gone really quickly. We have only got one more match! Who ______________ we _______________ (play)?

C. Exercise 3: Learning from learners

In the conversation below, two students overuse will to talk about the future. If a present form is more suitable, underline the verb phrase and write a correction. Not all examples of will need replacing.

D. Exercise 4: Completing conversations

Complete the conversations using a present tense you have studied.


A : Hey, what are you usually doing on weekends?

B : Nothing much, but I am going shopping on Saturday.

A : Are you looking for anything in particular or just going for fun?

1. A : I really like camping. I think it’s the best kind of holiday.

B : So do I. In fact, _____________________________________________

A : Oh, I have been there. I will give you my maps if you like.

2. A : We are going to Singapore for our honeymoon. Did I tell you?

B : No! That’s wondeful. ________________________________________ ?

A : We are having the first two nights in the Raffles Hotel and then we are

moving to a cheaper place.

3. A : I haven’t seen Maisie for months. Have you seen her at all?

B : No, but _______________________________________________

A : Oh, well, can you give her my love?

Demikianlah tumpuan soal latihan bahasa Inggris wacana Present Tense for Talking about the Future. Semoga tumpuan soal tersebut sanggup menambah pemahaman sobat – teman. Terima kasih.

(Source: 2003. Nettle & Hopkins. Developing Grammar in Context)

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