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Saturday, September 30, 2017

√ How To Fix Update Failed At Ubuntu 14 Server (Hash Sum Mismatch)

So a few days ago i found a masalah when updating my Ubuntu 14 machine, if i have to be honest i found it also few years back and i solved it, but then my solution was not aplicated on this masalah because i was using desktop version and  now it's server version. In the desktop version i can change the server on the Setting sajian --> Software and Updates --> at the Download from combo box choose Main Server --> then Authenticate your self with password and hit Close button. Some how i forget this solution, may be i'm too focused to server version itself and i talk to google and found some online answer but unfortunately none of them works for me and finally i remember my method stated before.

So this is what i've faced in this problem: i log in to the ubuntu then used super user and then i type apt-get update to begin the system update. The updating  process running smoothly until the last step it give an errol like this:
W: Failed to fetch http://id.archive.ubuntu.com XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hash Sum mismatch, 
E: Some index files failed to d0wnl0ad. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

So basicly i fix this masalah by removing id (Indonesia unique domain) at the source.list listed url, i assume ubuntu will determine to update from the main server if i remove the id, and hey guess what? IT WORKS.
- So you can type this as super user:
  nano /etc/apt/sources.list
- Then remove id or your unique domain at every url listed.
- Then save the file by hit X, then Y, then Enter.
- Try to update again by typing apt-get update

That's all for today, I hope it help you, and thank you so much for visiting.

Sumber http://farihinmuhamad.blogspot.com